Moshe Shay Ben-Haim, PhD
Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine
The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine
About The Lab
The research in the lab focuses on how our actions sculpt the epigenome -- the "control panel" of our genes. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and various exposures (like smoking; or intake of supplements or pharmaceutical drugs), can have vast effects on our epigenome. Changes in the epigenome result in gene expression changes that could have meaningful effects on disease susceptibility. Such changes are particularly malleable during pregnancy, but also in adulthood by modulating our "epigenetic clock" (a predictor of how well we age). The lab uses powerful computational tools to analyse data and identify practices that in pregnancy promote long-term fetal health, and in adults could potentially even rewind this epigenetic aging clock. Additional avenues of research in the lab include the use of machine learning tools to predict positive medical and mental health outcomes. Students or research assistants who are interested in these topics and have a computational orientation are more than welcome to be in contact. Please email