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Moshe Shay Ben-Haim, PhD
Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine
The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine
Published Papers/ Accepted
Ben-Haim MS, Pinto Y, Moshkovitz MS, Hershkovitz V , Kol N, Diammant T, Beeri MS, Amariglio N, Cohen YH, Rechavi G. The Dynamic Regulation of N6,2′-O-dimethyladenosine (m6Am) in Obesity, Nature Communications, (Accepted), 2021
[5yr IF=15.8; Q1, Ranked 11 of 253 in Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology]
Ben-Haim MS#, Dal Monte O, Fagan N, Dunham Y, Hassin RR, Chang SWC , Santos L. Disentangling Perceptual Awareness from Non-conscious Processing in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta), PNAS, 118 (15) e2017543118, 2021;
#Corresponding Author [Editor’s Choice in Science; Top 1% of All Scored Papers in]
Ben-Haim MS, Kanfi Y, Mitchel SJ, Maoz N, Vaughan K, Amariglio N, Lerrer B, de Cabo R, Rechavi G, Cohen HY, Breaking the ceiling of human maximal lifespan, Journal of Gerontology Series A, 2018. Vol. 73, No. 11, 1465–1471, doi: 10.1093/gerona/glx219
[5yr IF 6.11; Q1, Ranked 1 of 36 in Gerontology ;Top 5 % of All Scored Papers in; Top 5 Most Read Papers in the Journal in 2018; selected as Editor's Choice].
Eitan Z, Ben-Haim MS, Margulis L., Implicit absolute pitch representation affects basic tonal perception, Music Perception, 2017. Vol. 34 No. 5; (pp. 569-584)
[Q1 in music; Top10% of All Scored Papers in]
Dominissini D, Nachtergaele S, Moshkovitz S, Peer E, Kol N, Ben-Haim MS . . . et al., The dynamic N1-methyladenosine methylomes in eukaryotic messenger RNA., Nature, 2016, 530(7591), 441-461.
[IF 46.49; Q1, Ranked 1 of 62 in Multidisciplinary Sciences; Top 1% of All Scored Papers in; Recommended by Faculty of 1000Prime]
Ben-Haim MS#, Williams P, Howard Z, Mama Y, Eidels A, Algom D., The emotional Stroop task: Assessing cognitive performance under exposure to emotional content, J. Vis. Exp. 2016, (112), e53720, doi:10.3791/53720;
#Corresponding Author [Top 25% of All Papers in]
Ben-Haim MS#, Chajut E, Hassin R, Algom D., Speeded naming or naming speed? The automatic effects of object speed on performance, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 2015, 144(2), 326-338;
#Corresponding Author [5yr IF 5.24; Q1, Ranked 3 of 85 in Psychology Experimental; Top 10% of All Scored Papers in]
Geula S, Moshkovitz MS, Dominissini D, Mansour AA, Kol N, Divon MS, Hershkovitz V, Peer E, Mor N, Manor YS, Ben-Haim MS . . . et al. m6A mRNA methylation facilitates resolution of naïve pluripotency towards differentiation. Science. 2015; 347(6225), 1002-1006.
[5yr IF 44.37; Q1, Rank 2 of 62 in Multidisciplinary Sciences; Top 2% of Papers in]
Ben-Haim MS, Moshitch-Moshkovitz S, Rechavi G,. FTO: Linking m6A demethylation to adipogenesis. Cell Research. 2015; 25(1):3-4
[IF 20.5; Q1, Ranked 9 of 187 in Cell Biology; >50 Citations]
Ben-Haim MS#, Mama Y, Icht M, Algom D., Is the emotional Stroop task a special case of mood induction? evidence from sustained effects of attention under emotion. Attention Perception and Psychophysics. 2014;76(1):81-97
#Corresponding Author [Q1 in Psychology; Top 2% of All Scored Papers and Top1% of Papers in AP&P in]
Ben-Haim MS, Eitan Z, Chajut E., Pitch memory and exposure effects, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 2014 ;40(1):24-32.
[Q1 in Psychology; Top 5% of All Papers in JEP:HPP in]
Mama Y, Ben-Haim MS, Algom D., When emotion does and does not impair performance: A garner theory of the emotional Stroop effect. Cognition & Emotion. 2013;27(4):589-602
[Q1 in Psychology Experimental]
Eitan Z, Ben-Haim MS, Chajut E., Rare pitch-classes are larger and stronger: implicit absolute pitch, exposure effects, and qualia of harmonic intervals. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 2012; 275
Ben-Haim MS, Mama Y., Within Block Habituation Determines the Emotional Stroop Effect in D Algom, D Zakay, E Chajut, S Shaki, Y Mama, and V Shakuf, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 2012; 407-412

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